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Install Codec Ubuntu 13.04

Install w32 video codecs and libdvdcss2 in Ubuntu 13.04 Support for WMV, RealMedia and other formats has been bundled into the w32codecs package. This package is not available from the Ubuntu repositories due to licensing and legal restrictions.To play encrypted DVDs, the libdvdcss2 package is essential.

Adobe flash player installation on ubuntu 13.04 is very easy . Either you can use software centre or just by typing simple commands. In this article we can see about installing adobe flash player in command mode.


Install adobe flash player on ubuntu 13.04

Press ALT + CTR + T to open terminal and type the below commands .
Step 1 » Issue the below command to add and enable canonical repository.
krizna@ubuntu13:~$ sudo add-apt-repository 'deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner'
Step 2 » Type the below command to update repository and install adobe flash player .
krizna@ubuntu13:~$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer
Step 3 » After installation . Open firefox browser and goto http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ to test your installation.


Upgrade Ubuntu 13 04 To 13 10

Install Codec Ubuntu 13.04

All in one command ( Alternative)

Ubuntu 14.04 Download

The below command will install all the multimedia plugins and libraries that needed to play mp3 and video which includes adobe flash player too.
krizna@ubuntu13:~$ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras

Manual installation

Download Ubuntu 16.04

» Goto http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/otherversions/
» Choose your OS architect EG: Linux 32-bit on Step 1
» Choose Flash Player 11.2 (tar.gz) on Step 2 and download the file
» Extract the downloaded file .
» Launch Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T).
» goto to extracted folder and copy/move the libflashplayer.so to /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins
krizna@ubuntu13:~$ sudo mv libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins
that’s it .. good luck